Pinterest Education Sources


For many small to medium-sized businesses, social media platforms are vital tools in building a successful marketing strategy. Out of these platforms, Pinterest stands out, given its unique visual and discovery-driven nature. With over 478 million active users, Pinterest is an often-underestimated platform that can significantly enhance your business’s online presence and boost revenue. In this article, we will delve into some effective strategies to utilize Pinterest and various tools, like Tailwind, to optimize your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Understand Your Audience and Content

The success of your Pinterest marketing strategy significantly depends on your understanding of your target audience and content. Pinterest users are looking for inspiration, ideas, and learning. Ensure that the content you pin aligns with your audience’s interests and adds value to their Pinterest experience.

Take the case of a boutique clothing store. If the target audience is primarily women aged 20-35, pinning fashion trends, styling tips, and wardrobe organization ideas can be effective. This type of content not only aligns with the interests of the target audience but also subtly promotes the store’s products.

Use SEO Techniques for Pinterest

Much like Google, Pinterest is a search and discovery engine. This means that using SEO techniques is essential for maximizing your visibility on the platform. Use relevant keywords in your board titles, pin descriptions, and even your profile to help your content appear in user searches.

For instance, if you’re a local bakery, you might want to use keywords such as “artisanal bread,” “homemade cookies,” or “best cakes in [your city].” Remember, Pinterest also recognizes hashtags, so incorporate those into your descriptions as well.

Leverage Rich Pins

Rich pins are a type of Pinterest pin that include extra information right on the pin. There are four types of Rich Pins: product, recipe, article, and app. Depending on your business, these can provide additional information to your customers directly, increasing engagement and driving traffic to your site.

An online bookstore can use article pins for blog posts reviews or author interviews, and product pins for their book listings, providing the price, availability, and where to purchase, all within the pin itself.

Regularly Pin and Re-pin

Pinterest values fresh content, so ensure that you regularly pin and re-pin. Regularly posting and engaging with others’ content helps increase your visibility on the platform and keeps your audience engaged. Remember to pin content that aligns with your brand’s aesthetic and values.

Make Use of Pinterest Ads

If you have a budget for social media advertising, consider running Pinterest Ads. These promoted pins look like regular pins but have a much wider reach. With Pinterest Ads, you can target specific demographics, interests, and more, allowing you to reach your desired audience effectively.

Use Tailwind for Pinterest

Tailwind is a comprehensive tool that helps you schedule posts, monitor Pinterest analytics, and manage multiple accounts. By scheduling pins for peak times, you can ensure maximum visibility for your content. Additionally, Tailwind’s analytics can provide valuable insights into what content resonates most with your audience, helping you refine your Pinterest strategy over time.

For example, a craft supplies business using Tailwind could schedule pins showcasing their products in different craft projects during peak engagement hours. The analytics could then be used to determine which projects are most popular and tailor future content accordingly.

Tolls for Pinterest

There are several additional tools and resources that can aid in optimizing your Pinterest marketing strategy. Let’s dive into a few more:


Canva is a fantastic design tool that can be used to create eye-catching pins without the need for professional graphic design skills. With its extensive library of templates, fonts, and images, Canva can help you maintain a consistent aesthetic across all your pins, enhancing brand recognition.

For instance, a health and wellness blog might use Canva to design vibrant, engaging pins for their healthy recipes or workout routines, featuring captivating images and key information about the blog post.

Pinterest Trends

Pinterest Trends is a useful resource to keep up-to-date with what’s currently popular or trending on the platform. This can give you insights into what potential customers might be searching for or interested in, which can inform your content strategy.

Consider a DIY crafts store noticing an uptick in searches for “handmade holiday decorations.” They could leverage this trend by creating and pinning content related to DIY holiday decor.

Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest’s built-in analytics tool is essential for monitoring the performance of your pins and boards. It provides details about impressions, clicks, and repins, and also gives you information about your audience. Understanding what types of pins garner the most engagement can guide future content creation.

For example, a home decor retailer may find that their pins featuring ‘before-and-after’ room transformations receive the most engagement. They can use this data to focus on creating more of such content.


PinGroupie is a tool that helps you find and join relevant group boards on Pinterest. As mentioned earlier, group boards can significantly extend your reach. PinGroupie allows you to filter by category, followers, pins, likes, and more to find the best group boards for your business.

A travel agency, for instance, could use PinGroupie to locate group boards focused on exotic travel destinations or travel tips, joining these boards to share their content with a broader, interested audience.

IFTTT (If This, Then That)

IFTTT is an automation tool that can help you link your Pinterest account with your other social media accounts or blog. This way, you can ensure that every time you post a blog or update another social media platform, a pin is automatically created or updated on Pinterest.

A fashion retailer could set up an IFTTT applet so that every time they post a new product on their website or Instagram, an image and link to that product is automatically pinned on their Pinterest account.

By leveraging these tools in your Pinterest marketing strategy, you can streamline your efforts, make your content more engaging and relevant, and ultimately, drive more traffic and sales to your business. Each tool provides unique benefits, and you can experiment with different combinations to see what works best for your specific needs and goals.

Join Group Boards and Tailwind Tribes

Group boards are shared boards where multiple users can pin, widening the reach of your pins. Similarly, Tailwind Tribes allows you to meet and grow with other marketers, sharing and circulating each other’s content.

An interior design firm might join group boards about home décor and Tailwind Tribes with home improvement themes. By doing so, they extend their reach to potential clients interested in these themes but might not have come across their business otherwise.


Pinterest is a versatile platform with the power to elevate your brand and boost revenue if used strategically. With its visual appeal and emphasis on discovery, it offers a unique opportunity to connect with your audience in a meaningful and engaging way. By understanding your audience, using SEO techniques, leveraging Rich Pins, pinning regularly, utilizing Pinterest Ads, and harnessing the power of tools like Tailwind, you can optimize your Pinterest marketing strategy and see tangible results in your business’s growth and success.

Remember that success on Pinterest, like any marketing platform, takes time and patience. But with commitment and strategic planning, your business can thrive on this dynamic platform. Start pinning today, and watch your business grow.

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